Tab-delimited file format
The output of consists of a single line containing the tab-separated names of fields, followed by one or more lines giving the corresponding field values.
Name Description 1 Kind Target (t), decoy (d), or recalibration decoy (r) PSM. 2 Scan The identifying number of each scan. 3 Charge The charge state for this PSM. 4 Peptide The peptide sequence. 5 Obs_Inserts Inferred number of insertions (observed noise peaks). 6 Theo_Deletes Inferred number of deletions (missing theoretical peaks). 7 Obs_peaks_scored Inferred number of non-inserted peaks. 8 Theo_peaks_used Inferred number of non-deleted theoretical peaks. 9 Sum_obs_intensities Sum of the inferred non-inserted peak intensities. 10 Sum_scored_mz_dist Sum of the absolute peak m/z distances from the DRIP Gaussian means used to score each non-inserted observed peak. 11 Charge Charge state of the PSM. 12 Flanking_nterm Amino acid preceding this peptide in the parent protein. 13 Flanking_cterm Amino acid following this peptide in the parent protein. 14 Protein_id String consisting of Kind
followed by the number the protein appears in the target/decoy database
15 Var_mod_seq String the characters of which denote the type of variable mod applied to each of a PSM's amino acids (only output if variable mods are passed into dripDigest
denotes no variable mod,1
denotes a variable mod (specified inmods-spec
denotes an n-terminal variable mod (specified innterm-peptide-mods-spec
), and3
denotes a c-terminal variable mod (specified incterm-peptide-mods-spec
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