News |
- Sept. 25, 2020 - Our paper, GPU-Accelerated
Primal Learning for Extremely Fast Large-Scale
Classification, was
accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
- June 17, 2020 - Paper accepted for poster
presentation at the
the 2020
ICML Workshop on Computational Biology.
- May 2020 - Our recent speedups have been
in Percolator 3.5, including lower memory
consumption and more efficient multithreading than
before (the speedups are described here
and here).
Have fun!
- November 22 2019 - Giving a talk at the UC
Riverside Data Science Center .
- November 18 2019 - Giving a talk at the UC
Irvine AI/ML seminar.
- November 7, 2019 - Paper accepted for poster
presentation at
the Machine
Learning in Comp Bio (MLCB) workshop,
co-located with NeurIPS.
- September 2019 - One of the top 50% of NeurIPS reviewers.
- August 2019 - Our
paper, Speeding
up Percolator, was
accepted to the Journal of Proteome Research. The upgraded Percolator software described therein is freely
available here.
- April 15, 2019 - Received the UC Davis Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Research, 2019.
- Oct. 29, 2018 - Our paper, Learning
Concave Conditional Likelihood Models for Improved
Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectra, was
accepted to NeurIPS 2018.
[Code], [PDF]
- July 21, 2018 - A new book chapter detailing
how to use the DRIP Toolkit (our DBN software for Mass
Spec. Analysis) is available in Data Mining for
Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition published
by Springer.
- July 17, 2018 - Release v0.1.0 of Jensen, our
easily extensible toolkit for large-scale
machine learning and convex optimization, is freely available for
download on github.
Further toolkit details and documentation are
available here.
- June 27, 2018 - The multithreaded Percolator
software from our recent JPR paper has been
upgraded to support multithreaded
cross-validation. The updated software is freely
available here.
- April 2018 - Our paper, A Matter of Time -
Faster Percolator Analysis via Efficient SVM
Learning for Large-Scale Proteomics, was
accepted to the Journal of Proteome Research. The optimized Percolator
software described therein is freely
available here.
- Dec. 2017 - Our paper, Comprehensive statistical inference of
the clonal structure of cancer from multiple
biopsies, was accepted to Scientific
Reports. Software for inference in the
described graphical model, THEMIS, is available
- Sept. 2017 - Our paper, Gradients of
Generative Models for Improved Discriminative
Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectra, was accepted
for a spotlight at NIPS 2017.
- May 2017 - I'll be giving a keynote at the The Third Workshop on Advanced Methodologies for Bayesian Networks in Kyoto, Japan. More info is available here.