Installation Instructions

Note: when typing the commands shown in these instructions do not type the leading $ before each command; it indicates the prompt. These instructions will refer to your home directory as $HOME. You can type $HOME in the commands or you can use the fully qualified path to your home directory which may be something like /home/yourname/. Note that you can find out the location of your home directory by logging in and typing pwd or echo $HOME.

The DRIP ToolKit requires the following prerequisites:

Download and unzip the DRIP ToolKit. In the unzipped directory, build the pFile package (necessary for creating GMTK observation files in python) by running:

If no error messages are output, the DRIP ToolKit is now ready for use!

Searching tandem mass spectra using DRIP

A search using the DRIP ToolKit requires the following steps (illustrated in the above flowchart):
  1. Digest the protein database FASTA file using dripDigest (detailed here)
  2. Search spectra using dripSearch (detailed here)
The following are optional for a database search:

Training DRIP using dripTrain

Before a low-resolution MS2 search, and assuming a set of high-confidence training PSMs, DRIP may be trained using The set of high-confidence PSMs must be in a tab-delimited format with fields Peptide, Scan, and Charge (sample PSM file format). The MS2 spectra for these PSMs must also be supplied in .ms2 file format.

In the unzipped DRIP ToolKit directory, the directory riptideTrainingData contains high-confidence PSMs (strict-orbitrap-uniqueSids.psm) and spectra (strict-orbitrap-uniqueSids.ms2). We may utilize these files to train DRIP using

Upon completion, the program will produce two files, dripLearned.means and dripLearned.covars containing the learned DRIP Gaussian means and covariances, respectively. These parameters may then be utilized by dripSearch. The output mean and covariance file names may also be set using

Static modifications may similarly be passed to dripTrain, as specified here.

Digesting a FASTA file using dripDigest

Before searching an .ms2 file, we must first digest the protein database FASTA file using dripDigest. DripDigest writes the digested peptides to binary files in the local directory specified by --digest-dir. If recalibrating PSMs by charge, as described in Section Recalibrating PSMs by charge, --recalibrate must be set to True (this creates a second set of decoy PSMs used to recalibrate differently charged PSMs).

The FASTA file is passed specified using the flag --fasta. If a set of decoy PSMs are desired to be searched and output, the flag --decoys must be set to true. If it is desired that the results of dripSearch be recalibrated, so that differently charged PSMs are comparable to one another, the flag --recalibrate must be set to true (in which case a second, disjoint set of decoys is created, searched, and used to perform the recalibration. Static modifications, variable modifications, constraints on peptide lengths and masses, and many other settings may similarly be passed to dripTrain, as described here. Let's look at an example digestion,

The following table describes the parameters passed into dripDigest. All options are discussed at length in the dripDigest page. .
dripDigest Option Meaning
--digest-dir dripDigest-output Specify the directory to write the digested peptide binary files as dripDigest-output (this is the default value).
--fasta plasmo_Pfalciparum3D7_NCBI.fasta Digest FASTA file plasmo_Pfalciparum3D7_NCBI.fasta. Program will exit with an error if a FASTA file is not specified.
--min-length 7 Valid digested peptides must have minimum length 7.
--custom-enzyme '[K]|[X]' Cleave at every Lysine irregardless of the following amino acid (specifying other enzyme options, including custom enzymes and standard enzymes such as trypsin, is discussed at length here)
--mods-spec 'C+57.0214,K+229.16293' Define static modifications of +57.0214 to Cysteine and +229.16293 to Lysine.
--nterm-peptide-mods-spec 'X+229.16293' Define an N-terminal static modification of +229.16293 to every amino acid.
--monoisotopic-precursor true Calculate peptide monoisotopic masses.
--digestion full-digest Every peptide must have two enzymatic termini. Partial digests (where peptides have only one enzymatic terminus) are also supported.
--missed-cleavages 0 Allow no missed cleavages.
--decoys True Create decoy database. The set of decoys constructed is disjoint from the original, target peptide database.
--decoy-format shuffle Shuffle target peptides to create decoys. Decoys may also be created by reversing target peptides, specified by peptide-reverse
--keep-terminal-aminos Keep the N-terminal and C-terminal amino acids of the target peptide when creating a decoy.
--peptide-list true Write all digested peptides (target and decoys) and their masses to ascii in output directory.

DripDigest allows for variable modifications, partial digestions, and missed cleavages. Such options may result in a significantly larger peptide database. In order to deal with evaluating peptide databases outside the size which may fit in memory, utilizes an out-of-core algorithm where only a subset of digested peptides is ever loaded into memory at a given time.

Searching spectra using dripSearch

DripSearch operates in several modes. To run in standalone mode (i.e., on a single machine), set --cluster-mode False. A standalone search using DRIP is designed for multithreading on CPUs with multiple cores. Different DRIP models are utilized when searching either low-resolution or high-resolution MS2 spectra. For the former, the location of Gaussian centers used by DRIP to score fragment ion matches may be learned using dripTrain, and for the latter, the location of the Gaussian centers used by DRIP to score fragment ion matches is the exact b- and y-ion values (reflecting the improved machine accuracy). Note that, in dripDigest, when --recalibrate is set to true, dripSearch automatically searches a secondary database of decoy peptides and recalibrates the output PSMs.

Let's look at an example standalone DRIP search run. Assume that we've trained DRIP using the command in "Training DRIP using dripTrain" and digested the FASTA file using the command in "Digesting a FASTA file using dripDigest." Given the dataset plasmodium.ms2, we could perform a DRIP search using

dripSearch option Meaning
--digest-dir dripDigest-output The output directory of dripDigest containing the digested peptide databases in binary format.
--precursor-window 3.0 Precursor mass error tolerance (±)
--precursor-window-type Da Specify units of precursor mass error tolerance (daltons Da or parts-per-million ppm).
--beam 0 Beam pruning width to use during DRIP inference. When 0, no pruning takes place so that exact inference is performed. Setting this value to nonzero values, such as 100 or 75, may be used to speed up search time, though small values will significantly degrade search results (single digit values should be avoided at all costs). The beam pruning width specifies the number of most-probable hypotheses in a particular frame which are not filtered (this method of approximate inference is often called histogram pruning, and specified as ckbeam in GMTK).
--high-res-ms2 F Run DRIP low-resolution MS2 model.
--learned-means dripLearned.means Use previously learned DRIP means for low-resolution MS2 model.
--learned-covars dripLearned.covars Use previously learned DRIP covariances for low-resolution MS2 model.
--num-threads 8 Use 8 CPU threads. If the supplied value is larger than the number of processor threads, value is set to the maximum number of processor threads.
--top-match 1 Return the top PSM per spectrum. When recalibration is not set to true, the top PSMs per spectrum per charge are returned (differently charged PSMs are ranked separately, as opposed to being mixed and ranked together after recalibration).
--charges all Search all spectrum charges. Specific charges may be specified by passing in a comma-delimited string signifying the charges to be searched. For instance, --charges 1,3 searches all charge 1 and charge 3 spectra.
--spectra plasmodium.ms2 The MS2 dataset to search.
--output dripSearch-output The base of the output file name. The search results will appear in the local directory in file dripSearch-output.txt

All options are further described in detail on the dripSearch page.

Recalibrating PSMs by charge

In order to compare differently charged PSMs, the scoring distributions of which may differ wildly (since higher charged PSMs contain more theoretical peaks and thus, on average, have fewer insertions and deletions than their lower charged colleagues), we recalibrate the searched PSMs by charge so that differently charged PSMs are comparable to one another.

We accomplish this by setting the --recalibrate in dripDigest to True. DRIP search will then compare differently charged PSMs and only return the top N PSMs per spectrum, where --top-match N.

Search using a compute cluster

Note: if planning to perform a DRIP search over a dataset using a compute cluster, it is recommended to use the cluster functionality provided by dripSearch and to pass in the entire dataset of interest. DripSearch considers all spectra to provide upper and lower bounds on the theoretical spectra of scored peptides.

Setting the DRIP ToolKit environment variable for cluster use

The DRIP ToolKit was designed with cluster use in mind. Evaluating a dataset over a cluster consists of three steps (illustrated in the above flowchart):

  1. Splitting the data and generating cluster jobs
  2. To split a dataset for cluster use, add --num-cluster-jobs to a typical call to For instance, returning to our earlier command line, we split the spectra and candidate peptides for dataset plasmodium.ms2 into 100 cluster jobs by running

  3. Running jobs on a cluster and writing each job's results back to the local directory
  4. Due to the many different existing cluster environments, dripSearch does not directly dispatch jobs to a compute cluster, but neatly packages the necessary data for each cluster job and generates bash scripts to be easily deployed to a cluster queue. The data for each cluster job will be written to the local directory encode and a list of scripts which run each individual job may be found in encode/clusterJobs.txt. By default, cluster jobs will be run in /tmp, but this may be changed by passing into --cluster-dir <absolute path of desired run directory>. All results are written to the local directory log.

    Customizing cluster job scripts

    An example cluster script looks like the following:

    In the above script, we generate a random directory TMPDIR to run our job in, run dripSearch in cluster mode (--cluster-mode True), wait a random amount of time (so as not to flood NFS), and copy the results back to the local directory log.

    In order to fit varying cluster environments, the scripts generated by dripSearch are easily customizable by editing pyFiles/ For instance, instead of running cluster jobs in /tmp, one could run on the scratch space of a compute node by editing lines 13-15 of from

    where we assume each compute node has scratch space /s0.

  5. Merging the results
  6. Once all jobs have completed, all results will be written to local directory . To merge all results using dripSearch, we run

    The output will then be written to dripSearch-output.txt

Decoding and plotting DRIP PSMs in the python interactive shell

The DRIP Toolkit module allows the instantiation of PSM objects, decoding of DRIP PSMs (i.e., calculating the most-probable alignemnt via Viterbi decoding), and plotting of decoded PSMs in the python interactive interpreter.

In what follows, lines beginning with >>> denote commands entered in the python interactive shell. When entering these commands, do not enter the leading >>>.

Invoke the python interactive shell by typing in a terminal

As an example, we will decode PSMs for spectra in data/test.sm2. We first load the DTK module and the spectra into memory:

s is now a dictionary of ms2 spectra whose keys are the each spectrum's scan number. For this demonstration, we assume that DRIP low-resolution MS2 parameters have been learned using and the learned means and variances were specified in output files dripLearned.means and dripLearned.covars, respectively. For the low-resolution MS2 spectrum whose scan number is 6028, we now define a charge 2 PSM of the generating peptide TGPSPQPESQGSFYQR as

p is now a dripPSM object with several attributes detailing the decoded PSM, summarized in the following table
p attribute Meaning
p.peptide peptide string
p.spectrum observed spectrum, instance of spectrum object
p.scan scan ID number
p.num_ions number of unique b- and y-ions
p.num_dels number of deletions
p.num_frames number of observed peaks
p.insertion_sequence decoded sequence of Booleans denoting whether the ith peak in the observed spectrum is an insertion or not
Note that, under the hood, dtk.psm() generates all necessary GMTK files, efficiently performs Viterbi inference using GMTK, and conveniently loads the Viterbi decoded information into memory.

The module provides functionality for plotting decoded DRIP PSMs. Assuming matplotlib is installed (Cygwin users may consult the following for matplotlib installation instructions), we may plot the most probable alignment between the theoretical and observed spectra for the previously instantiated PSM by entering

The above command will create the figure scan6028-charge2-peptideTGPSPQPESQGSFYQR.png in the current working directory.

Plotting all PSMs output by dripSearch

Given a dripSearch output file dripSearch-test-output.txt and searched ms2 file data/test.ms2, the decoded PSMs may be plotted all at once by running

This will create several .png files, all which will be listed in currPsms.html for easy browsing.

Plotting PSMs using Lorikeet

The DRIP Toolkit also supports interactive, in-browser analysis of PSMs via the JQuery plugin Lorikeet. Lorikeet version 0.3.5, available for download here, is currently supported (no earlier versions are guaranteed to work with the toolkit).

For the discussion that follows, denote the directory the DRIP Toolkit was unzipped as DTK. To get started, download and unzip Lorikeet version 0.3.5 in DTK.

Invoke the python interactive shell by typing in a terminal

Given a PSM file and corresponding .ms2 file, the module may be used to generate the Lorikeet .html files as in the following example:

The inputs to dtk.gen_lorikeet in the above example are detailed in the following table:
input variable Meaning
psmFile tab-delimited file of PSMs with fields scan, charge, sequence, corresponding to each PSMs scan number, peptide sequence, and charge, respectively.
ms2 .ms2 file searched to generate the PSM file psmFile
scanField Specifies PSM scan number field as scan
chargeField Specifies PSM charge field as charge
peptideField Specifies PSM peptide string field as sequence
scoreField Optional, specifies PSM score field as percolator score
mods Modifications used during search (see dripDigest for more info regarding the specification of this parameter). Only static mods currently supported
nterm_mods Nterminal modification (only a constant offset is supported in Lorikeet, so X must be specified) used during search (see dripDigest for more info regarding the specification of this parameter). Only static nterm-mods currently supported
cterm_mods Cterminal modification (only a constant offset is supported in Lorikeet, so X must be specified) used during search (see dripDigest for more info regarding the specification of this parameter). Only static cterm-mods currently supported
'genLorikeetPlasmoCruxPlots' Directory to write Lorikeet files in
'genPlasmoCruxPsms.html' File containing one link to a Lorikeet .html per line. Should be written to $DTK/genPlasmoCruxPsms.html to ensures Lorikeet files are correctly loaded.

A new directory $DTK/genLorikeetPlasmoCruxPlots containing a Lorikeet HTML file per PSM will be created, as will an HTML file $DTK/genPlasmoCruxPsms.html containing a link to each Lorikeet file.

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